How to Refresh Your Home Without Leaving Your House

How to Refresh Your Home Without Leaving Your House

In light of the novel COVID-19, most people are self-isolating and spending time at home. And there is nothing like spending two weeks in your house to realize it might be time to redecorate. But don’t worry, you don’t have to leave your house to spruce up an old space. Take a look at some of our tips:


Bring the Outdoors In

As we all self-isolate and social distance, we have limited interaction with the outside world and it can make us feel cooped up in our own homes. Getting out for walks or spending time in our backyards is a safe escape for many during these tough times. Next time you are on a walk considering bringing some of nature home with you. Adding plants or even a set of branches can brighten up your space and give you a sense of connection to the outside world even if you are stuck at home.


Sort Through Storage

You’ve been saying you’d go through that attic or garage for years, well now is finally the time! Make this time useful by going through your old things and reorganizing. You never know, you might even come across some hidden gems that you can add to your home to give it a new and fresh look!



As we spend more time at home, we also have a chance to spend more time with our family or in self-reflection. Try rearranging your furniture to make a space that you can be comfortable in or that creates a space where you can easily lay out a puzzle or play a board game with the kids! Pulling up a cozy chair next to the window is also a great spot to do your work while catching some rays and a good view of outside!


Shop Your Home

Most stores are closed, but you don’t need to go outside to get a new look. Browse around your own house and redecorate with what you have. Using your accessories in new places will make them feel like new again!


From the whole RCID team: stay happy, healthy and safe!

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