Tips for Creating a Welcoming Entryway

Tips for Creating a Welcoming Entryway

The entryway is what gives guests the first impression of your home, so you want it to be warm and inviting. Here are some tips for creating a welcoming entryway:



Lighting is very important in an entryway. The entry sets the tone for your house, so you want it to be welcoming and bright. When you are selecting a light fixture for your entry, you may want to pick something with some style to make a statement when you walk in, but you will also have to be mindful of the amount of light the fixture gives off to ensure that guests feel comfortable coming into your home. If you have limited light, you can also add a standing or floor lamp to give you more control over the amount of light.

Creating a Drop-Zone

An entryway is a busy place and things can easily get cluttered and messy. These days, people have a front entrance and a mudroom. If you have a mudroom, it is generally easier to keep the mess at bay. However, if you use the same entrance as your guests then I typically suggest creating a drop-zone for keys and other odds and ends for when you come in from a long day at work. A console with drawers is a great way to have a space for your things, while still maintaining a clean look. Adding a bench or a small ottoman for guests to remove their shoes is also great for an entry.


Dress up your entry with art or a mirror. A piece of art can make a statement in your entry and set the tone of your place. If you space is small, a mirror can open your space and make it appear larger. A mirror also is a convenient way to check yourself before you head out the door!


Entryways take a lot of wear and tear, especially here in Calgary where we kick off our snowy boots, so it is important to have a carpet that will stand up to the traffic. Colourwise, carpets that are varied in colour or are in the grey, beige or brown tones make it easier to mask dirt – allowing your carpet to look good for longer. Regarding material, carpets that contain high wool content or polyester will be more stain-resistant and easier to clean. Viscose carpets are becoming incredibly common in the market these days, as they are cheaper and easier to produce. While viscose carpets look great in your living room, you will want to stay away from carpets with viscose in your entryway because they stain easy and won’t stand up to the heavy use area.




Photo Credits:

All Photos by Shellard Photography

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