RCID Office – Chapter 3: Office Renovation Update
We have MOVED to a new office space in Marda Loop! Follow us as we share the process of transforming an old home into a new office.
Exterior Painting
Finally with all of the exterior stucco repairs complete we were able to start painting and see a real transformation. Of course we had to do Benjamin Moore, Black 2132-10 on the exterior! We are hoping to match the garage with some metal siding!

Drywall & More Drywall...
We had to do quite a bit of work in the basement, including a lot of drywall. Rezoning the space to commercial required a lot of Type X drywall to create a fire separation from the basement to the main floor. We added a mechanical room door and sprinkler system in the mechanical room!

Garage/Warehouse Build
With downsizing to a smaller space, we still needed space for warehousing! Thinking a 4 -car garage should help with our warehousing needs and be able to be part of a multi-family project at a later date…we moved forward with the garage build. Rock Creek Builders has been awesome to work with on this part of the project, and they have been managing all of the fantastic trades to help pull this together quickly. Here are some pics of excavation, foundation, backfill, and framing…should be a few more weeks and we should have some AMAZING storage space!

Please stay tuned as we continue to show you the transformation, leading up to the final product! We are so excited to be working closely with Rockcreek Builders on this transformation. Thank you to all the trades and suppliers that are helping us along the way.