Well we are back and ready to take on our upcoming projects! After spending the weekend in Vancouver at IDS West, we are filled with inspiration and hungry to try out some new ideas.
I’m always amazed how a trip away can clear your head and get the ideas flowing. And of course, siteseeing, a delicious meal and a glass of wine never hurts. We started our trip out right away and went to the IDS West party.

There were tons of creative booths and great products to see, but one of my favourite things at IDS West was the designer showcases – similar to Dinner x Design, designers put together a vignette to evoke a feeling or experience. I loved seeing what other designers came up with and created.

Another thing that was great to see was the Divine display booth. With a contemporary painted storage container and backlight product display, their booth definitely stood out!
We spent the next day visiting some of our suppliers and seeing some amazing products! One of my favourites was going through the Ann Sacks showroom. So many stunning tiles in one place!
With a quick coffee and walk through Yaletown and Kits, we were headed back to Calgary. Even though the trip was quick, we soaked in a lot of information and are coming back refreshed and inspired!